We are BEGO Implant Systems
Two employees, five questions, ten answers
A system is perfect only if all the components harmonize with each other in detail. This is our claim. We combine indicationadapted implantology products and first-class service.
We – that is BEGO Implant Systems.
We are the people at BEGO Implant Systems.

David Vila

Miriam Schocke
What is your job at BEGO Implant Systems?

Technical Advisor – I supervise the implantology specialists in Galicia / Spain and Portugal. I advise on the products, I am the contact person for the questions and problems faced by our customers. At the first surgical interventions, I am usually present as a health care professional (dental hygienist) to help with any problems that may arise.

Departmental Head for Customs and Export control – Our department organizes the worldwide transport of our products and their documentation. In the export control, we check whether our products are subject to international export restrictions and monitor the sanctions to ensure that our products only get to the right countries and the right hands. Within the legal framework, we develop the best logistic solutions for our products and our customers.
Since when are you part of BEGO Implant Systems?

7th May 2012 – I work for BEGO Iberia, the Spanish subsidiary of BEGO Implant Systems. I hope to stay here for many more years.

1st January 2014 – At the beginning of my career with BEGO, I had worked on handling a third country for BEGO Implant Systems, but belonged to another division of the BEGO Group. On 01.04.2014 I changed to BEGO Implant Systems and I now manage the customs and export control.
To your mind, what distinguishes BEGO Implant Systems as an employer?

Balance and Focus – Focusing on human qualities and employee engagement as well as our successful products that deliver good clinical outcomes.

Confidence and support – At BEGO Implant Systems friendliness towards families is actually implemented, for me the re-entry after the birth of my daughter was smooth. I can flexibly set up the number of working hours and the home office in consultation with my colleagues, there is a lot of cohesion and you can feel that you are needed. An excellent balance between family and work.
Which of your personal skills can you use particularly well at your workplace?

Empathy – I am a very compassionate person. Sometimes I do not know whether this is good or bad. But this is how I am in professional as well as in private life. Being in close contact with our customers means that I can always connect with them quickly.

Communication – I am in contact with many colleagues from all departments. Where unexpected points of contact or challenges arise, I proactively search for a solution and have to be able to think outside the box. I use my accuracy to define our options within the legal framework - my creativity in order to find all options within this framework and to implement the ideal solution.
And otherwise?

Generations / Change – For three years I have been working in the non-profit organization Amigos de los Mayores, that means "Friends of the Elderly", based in the city of Vigo / Spain.
We accompany old people. Believe it or not, there are many elderly people who are alone or feel lonely. We accompany these people, keep in touch with them by phone so that they feel cared for and help them in everyday life. We try to give people a space where they can make contacts and friendships, we organize summer festivals, Christmas celebrations, carnival and food in different neighbourhoods.
Of course, we also do public relations work to show how many older people live in solitude and we are looking for sponsors, partners and authorities who support our work.

Family man – I love to be creative. Doing crafts, painting and designing, especially with my little daughter, I can live it out at the moment. In the crib, I can take part a little in the "working day" of my daughter. That's a nice balance to my job duties.
I have an eye for beautiful things and details, and I like to do these things myself. For example, I designed the cocktails and decoration on my wedding in a play of mint and apricot colours. That's my thing, and that's where I feel the ambition to do something special.